Charles as Henri Rousseau
Mid 80’s portrait of me , costumed & makeup perfectly, accordingly to what Henri wore, he often included himself whimsically in his work, a stylist researched for authenticity, though I grew a dark profuse 4 o’clock shadow, the Hair & Makeup stylist ordered a theatrical beard / wig maker artisan , I’m an admirer of Rousseau painting style, subjects , characters, flora & fauna interpretations , I felt completely in character for this portrait . High praise to the talented photographer / Illustrator , Larry Robins , who worked on a number of projects during that period
Mid 80’s portrait of me , costumed & makeup perfectly, accordingly to what Henri wore, he often included himself whimsically in his work, a stylist researched for authenticity, though I grew a dark profuse 4 o’clock shadow, the Hair & Makeup stylist ordered a theatrical beard / wig maker artisan , I’m an admirer of Rousseau painting style, subjects , characters, flora & fauna interpretations , I felt completely in character for this portrait . High praise to the talented photographer / Illustrator , Larry Robins , who worked on a number of projects during that period
Mid 80’s portrait of me , costumed & makeup perfectly, accordingly to what Henri wore, he often included himself whimsically in his work, a stylist researched for authenticity, though I grew a dark profuse 4 o’clock shadow, the Hair & Makeup stylist ordered a theatrical beard / wig maker artisan , I’m an admirer of Rousseau painting style, subjects , characters, flora & fauna interpretations , I felt completely in character for this portrait . High praise to the talented photographer / Illustrator , Larry Robins , who worked on a number of projects during that period